2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”3 Reasons People Quit And Self Sabotage Their Home Business. It’s O.K To Be Rich And You Can’t Have Success Unless You Risk Failure!”
As an entrepreneur who has failed more times than I have had success I know the pain you feel when you try something and it does not work.
I also know the excitement you feel when something does work! The truth is most things that have worked have come after my moments of failure! If I could go back and tell myself anything when I first got started as an entrepreneur, I would tell myself that it’s O.K to fail and to take more risks.
I would also tell myself that it’s O.K to be rich! A lot of young entrepreneurs are afraid of success and actually self sabotage their business!
So the question I searched for today was why do people quit and self sabotage their own business. Below are the top 3 reasons to why people quit and self sabotage their business, so make sure you don’t do these things.
1. Get Rich Quick Mentality: Some people quit and self sabotage because they are constantly comparing themselves to other people. So if they perceive other people making more money or getting better results than them they quit! This happens because they feel they should be making more money faster than they are. The get rich quick mentality is a killer when it comes to growing a home business.
2. You Have Nothing To Compare It To: Some people do not know what is good or bad. They could be doing very well in their business but because they think they should be doing better they quit! Always remember you are where you are supposed to be. The best thing you can do in this situation is seek out a person who is where you want to be and ask them what are the realistic expectations of their business!
3. Fear Of Leaving People Behind: The hardest thing for a lot of people to deal with when they start getting results in their business is the fear of losing friends. You think to yourself, what will my friends think when I start my business. What will my friends think when I start making money? What will my friends think when I get new friends that are richer than them? If they are real friends they will be proud of you and encourage you. If not, they were not your friends in the 1st place!
If you are reading this and you feel like quitting, always remember that what does not kill you only makes you stronger! Work hard and learn from your failures and you will hit a tipping point in your business where things just start to happen for you! The life of an entrepreneur is not easy but someone has to do it!
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