8 Steps To Creating Your Own Info Products
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8 Steps To Creating Your Own Info Products
Creating info products can do a lot for a business – build a brand, establish authority, and create a cash flow that generates revenue while sleeping. But too often, we find ourselves attempting to create info products and getting lost in the logistics of the process.
Below I am going to share with you 8 steps to creating your own info products. This 8-step formula can be applied to any type of info product and when applied properly, can take your business to the next level.
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Below are 8 Steps To Creating Your Own Info Products:
1: Invest In Products
The first step to creating your own info products is to see what else is out there! Invest in other people’s info products and start doing research.
Other people’s products will give you insight on how they set up their info product, how their process works, and ultimately give you an edge when creating your info product.
Once you have invested in info products, you will quickly realize what you like and don’t like for your info product. This first step is crucial because it can give you a concrete foundation for your info product creation process.
2: Perfect What You Learn
When choosing a topic or focus point for your info product, you want to perfect what you learn.
For example, if you buy a product and it’s on lead generation, master that skill and become good at it! This gives you the authority to create products about lead generation and share your strategies with others. You can do this with any topic of choice! Click HERE and I’ll show you two strategies I’ve perfected and how I leverage what I learn.
If you want to take it to the next level, share your result or strategy with someone on your team. Have them get a result and this will drastically improve your ability to sell your product!
3: What Problem Do You Want To Solve?
Most of the time people purchase an info product to solve a problem they have. So when creating your info product, you want to solve a problem you have!
If you solve a problem you have with your info product, there is a high chance someone else is going to relate to that problem and want to purchase your product!
Once you figure out what problem you want to solve, this will give you a topic or idea to create your own product.
4: Map Out Each Module
Now that you have your topic for your info product, the next step is to map out each module of your course.
Start with the problems you want to solve, then begin to break them down into their simplest form and create modules.
For example: Module 1… Then Module 1a…. Module 1b… Module 1c… Then Module 2… Module 2a… Module 2b…
Modules give you the ability to dive into extreme detail. The more value provided, the happier your future customers will be!
5: Create Powerpoint Slides
After you map out each module, the next step is to create the actual powerpoint slides you are going to use for your info product.
Powerpoint/Keynote slides are extremely effective and give you the ability to explain and share the value of what you’re teaching inside of your info product.
6: Record Audio Over Powerpoint
Now that your slides are created and modules are set in place, it’s time to record audio over your powerpoint slides!
This is the bulk of the info product creation process. You’re simply going to talk over your slides. If you want to show yourself, feel free! There is technology out there like ScreenFlow (Mac Only) that allow you to do this.
Recording yourself can be strenuous. Make sure you are full of energy and animated when recording your voice. The last thing you want to do is put your future customers to sleep!
7: Outsource The Completion Process
This is the part where people get stuck! Everyone isn’t a “techie” and this step is the most technical part of the process.
Once your info product is created, don’t worry about getting it on a website or creating the checkout process – outsource that!
Leverage websites like elance.com, odesk.com, or fiverr.com to get your product put together and functioning properly. They will take care of the completion process for you so you don’t have to worry about it.
8: Release The Product
Once the completion process is complete, release your new info product! Post on social media, invite members of your team, and send your new product out to your email list if you have one.
If you have none of the above, I recommend leveraging search traffic for your info product. Click HERE and I’ll share a strategy with you.
Now you can give yourself a pat on the back because after you release your info product, you have successfully completed all 8 steps! Rinse and repeat for all future info products.
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