6 Morning Rituals Millionaires Embrace Before Most People Wake Up
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6 Morning Rituals Millionaires Embrace Before Most People Wake Up
Millionaires have a certain mindset and unique characteristics that make them extremely successful. I wanted to talk to you about this topic because often times we talk about habits and what you need to do in order to be a 6 or 7 figure earner.
I quickly realized that most millionaires start their day before most people wake up. It’s the rituals before they get to the work place that put them on a path to success. Below I share with you 6 morning rituals millionaires embrace before most people wake up.
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Below are 6 Morning Rituals Millionaires Embrace Before Most People Wake Up:
1: The Day Starts Before The Day Begins
Most 7-figure earners have their next day scheduled before the next day even begins. It starts the night before!
Do your best to write out your schedule so you can stay organized and on top of your to-do list. Giving yourself a plan with execution has proven to increase success and help focus on the end goal.
It’s always better to be ahead!
2: Drink Lots Of Water
Drink a lot of water. This might sound a bit crazy, but when you wake up in the morning you should have a glass of water next to you.
Keeping your body hydrated throughout the day has a major effect on your overall energy and work ethic. People that aren’t hydrated get tired more easily, lose focus, and feel weak.
Hydrating will keep you functioning at peak performance and laser-focused on the task at hand.
3: Give Thanks Or Pray
Before you do anything in the morning, make sure to give thanks or pray!
You want to thank the person above or whomever it is you believe in and give thanks. We are all lucky to be living in such an awesome world so even if it’s a quick thank you for being able to open your eyes this morning, do it!
Saying a prayer and giving thanks should happen whether you are currently successful or not because we have the ability to accomplish our goals.
4: Clear Your Mind – Meditate
Meditating is different than praying.
Meditate every morning and try to clear your mind and not think of anything. Go to a quiet place and take deep breathes. You want to relax to a point where nothing is coming in and nothing is coming out.
I found that meditation can really help deal with anxiety and stress. It also helps with focusing and moving forward with your day.
5: Workout
Proper exercise each and every day is extremely important when it comes to success.
Proper exercise will keep you healthy, provide you with energy for the day, and most importantly give you that extra boost of self-confidence. There have been tons of studies that show how you take care of yourself and how you feel about yourself is directly correlated to how much money you make.
Most people that stay in fit and stay in shape have good things happen to them, so do your best to workout and live a healthy lifestyle.
6: Read
Last but not least, read!
Make sure you are reading books whether it’s a business magazine, business book, personal development books, self-help books, etc. Read before you check an email or do any type of work activity.
Reading quality information from the start of your day will wake up your brain and put you in the right mindset for success.
If you start your day before it begins, drink a lot of water, pray, meditate, workout, and read, you will be well on your way to implementing morning rituals of self-made millionaires.
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