4 Steps To Creating Profitable Yahoo Bing Ads

4 Steps To Creating Profitable Yahoo Bing Ads

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4 Steps To Creating Profitable Yahoo Bing Ads Summary:

Every business owner has dreams of becoming wealthy.  In order to do that you must be able to market and promote your business better than your competition.  There are hundreds of lead generation methods out there but my favorite method hands down is search traffic.  Search Traffic was the 1st method that I learned when I got started online and it is very powerful when done the right way.   Today Yahoo/Bing is a great resource that every business owner should master if they want targeted and realiable traffic flowing to their websites.  Now before you go and throw a bunch of money at search traffic it’s important to understand that ppc marketing is responsible for creating multi millionairs and at the same time responsible for a lot of marketers going broke!  This post will help you master yahoo/bing ppc!

1: Targeted Keywords

The beauty of search traffic is the fact that you get to capture what’s going on inside your prospects mind.  If a person searches for something online Yahoo/Bing PPC allows you to have your ad appear based on what that person is searching. This means you as the advertiser have the power to flood your target market with value based on what your customers are searching.  This is why keyword research is a must if you want to make search traffic profitable.

2: Relevant Capture Pages

One of the mistakes that marketers make is they fail take the time to ensure that the pages that they are sending the traffic to is relevant to what that person was searching for.  For example, if a person is searching for ways to get leads on Yahoo/Bing and my page is talks about getting traffic on social media and not search traffic less people will engage or opt in for more information.

3: Leveraged Thank You Page

The key to marketing your business is to generate revenue that conteracts the cost per click that you are spending to generate traffic.  You do not have to turn a profit but if you do this and cut your advertising in half you will be able to scale your marketing much faster.  For example if you get a lead that cost you $2 and you offer a $1 product on the thank you page, you can instantly cut you marketing cost in half.

4: Follow Up

The fortune is in the follow up.  If you are not communitcating with your list on a consistent basis you will be leaving a lot of money on the table.  If you don’t all the hard work will be done for nothing!


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