3 Tips To Help Raise Entrepreneurs And Not Brats From Billionaire Mark Cuban

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3 Tips To Help Raise Entrepreneurs And Not Brats From Billionaire Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban is an entrepreneur you are probably familiar with. He’s on the hit TV show Shark Tank, owns the NBA basketball team Dallas Mavericks, and is involved with many other entrepreneurial ventures.

Recently, Entrepreneur Magazine published an article that gave a rare insider perspective of how Mark Cuban raises his family. It was such an awesome read that I had to share my 3 tips/takeaways from the article with you!


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Below are 3 Tips To Help Raise Entrepreneurs And Not Brats From Billionaire Mark Cuban:

1: Teach Them To Not Be Materialistic

The first major point Mark Cuban discusses is to teach your kids at a young age to not be materialistic. For someone who can buy pretty much anything in the world, this sounds a bit difficult.

If you’re reading this and thinking to yourself “Do these rules apply if I’m not a billionaire or extremely wealthy?” Absolutely. Whether you have $1 million in the bank or $1 dollar, teaching your kids to not be materialistic is a good thing no matter what!

Understanding how billionaires like Mark Cuban deal with materialistic views will prepare you for future success!

2: Make Your Kids Earn Everything

Mark Cuban mentions that he’s not the type of dad that comes home from work with presents for his kids. Instead, if his kids want certain things, he makes them earn it.

Mark makes his kids set up businesses and complete chores in order to receive what they want. He’s teaching them at a young age the true value of a dollar.

This was a huge takeaway and something I plan on doing with my daughter… Get the lemonade stand ready

3: Be As Normal As Possible

Sometimes when people have a lot of money they think they need to hire maids, nannies, and people to basically do everything. Mark suggests doing the complete opposite and try to be as normal as possible.

For example, Mark eats dinner every night with the family and on the weekends he’s the one hanging out and playing with his kids.

Instilling a normal lifestyle for your kids keeps the family environment in tact and a key point I took to heart from Mark Cuban.

In closing, teach your kids to not be materialistic, make your kids earn everything, and do your best to be normal as possible! These were great tips and I hope you can gain value from them as well.

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