Get Unlimited Network Marketing Leads For Under $25 Per Day. Be Creative And Think Outside Of The Box In Your Home Business!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Get Unlimited Network Marketing Leads For Under $25 Per Day. Be Creative And Think Outside Of The Box In Your Home Business!”

As a marketer things are always going to change due to the fact that technology is always moving. I can’t tell you how many products I have purchased, and by the time I implement the training the platform I was learning has changed.

In fact, in one of my most recent products I talk about a tool that helps you automate some of the twitter strategies that I teach. Since releasing that training Twitters API changed and that tool no longer works. I even had a member call me and say Vince you shouldn’t have that product in the system… that tool doesn’t work anymore.

I quickly took out that module, but after thinking about it I almost want to put it back in. This is why… if you go into 9 out of 10 products today especially if they are more than 12 months old. That training and platform it was in will most likely be different or the strategies may not work exactly the same.

But the overall concept and strategy will always be useful. You see information products should always give you ideas and you as an entrepreneur should always be thinking of better ways to do things. You should always be thinking outside of the box and trying to figure out a way to make a basic concept work even better.

So when I thought about what one of my students said about taking that product out, a person like me would have never had the chance to figure out a way to do what I’m doing now that works better and is more cost effective than the tool itself.

You see, I came up with a strategy to use a simple tool like, which allows you to search and identify the keywords people are saying in their newsfeed in real time. Because my automation tool no longer works, I now have a virtual assistant manually do this for me by typing in keywords that I give them and manually communicate with people on my behalf in real time 24/7/365 days a year.

Essentially doing what this tool did for less money than the tool. But now because the tool is no longer available, a person like me would have even known about this tool or even have had the for thought to implement this concept. The key to being a successful entrepreneur is to see opportunities where other people simply see problems.

When others face resistance you should see money because all you have to do is be the person that finds the solution!

This entire process could be done for less than $25 per day and will help you generate unlimited leads for your network marketing or home business!

Step 1: Find a virtual assistant on Odesk Or Elance
Step 2: Find the keywords you want to target
Step 3: Prepare the messages you want the VA to send
Step 4: Communicate with your new fresh leads daily!

If you always think outside of the box and are willing to do things that average home business professional is not willing to do you will grow a powerful network marketing business!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

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