Should You Attend Live Seminars Or Home Business Events? Are They A Waste Of Time And Money Or Will They Help Your Business Grow

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”Should You Attend Live Seminars Or Home Business Events? Are They A Waste Of Time And Money Or Will They Help Your Business Grow?”

Before I got into the home business industry I may have attended 2 or 3 live events in my life. It was not because I don’t like them it was because I simply didn’t know so many of them even existed.

Now that I am in the home business industry, It feels like I am at a live event almost every Month. In fact my biggest expense ever year when it comes to tax time is always live event tickets, hotel and travel fees.Continue reading

Learn 4 Targeting Tips For Twitter PPC Marketing! Use These 4 Methods To Generate Targeted Leads For Your Home Or Online Business.

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Learn 4 Targeting Tips For Twitter PPC Marketing! Use These 4 Methods To Generate Targeted Leads For Your Home Or Online Business.”

If you have a home or online business, your ability to generate your own leads is the most important thing you can do when it comes to you making money.

The faster you master marketing the faster you not only will make money but the more you will be able to help others.

I believe the most important skill you can master when it comes to growing your business is you learning how to generate your own leads.Continue reading

Why 99% Of Network Marketing Reps Change Companies 2 To 3 Times? Who’s To Blame Your Network Marketing Company Or You?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Why 99% Of Network Marketing Reps Change Companies 2 To 3 Times? Who’s To Blame Your Network Marketing Company Or You?”

I saw a statistic the other day that said the home business industry is one of the biggest, and most profitable industries in the world.

The slide I saw also said that the network marketing industry was bigger than the sports industry and real estate combined.

Clearly, I don’t know if that is true but there is no secret that the network marketing industry generates billions of dollars every year.Continue reading

Is Going From Good To Great The Secret To Wealth In Your Online Business? See Why Losers Try To Be Good And Winners Focus On Being Great.

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”Is Going From Good To Great The Secret To Wealth In Your Online Business? See Why Losers Try To Be Good And Winners Focus On Being Great.”

When I first became an entrepreneur I had a poster that I put on my wall that said “The Difference Between Ordinary And Extraordinary Is That Little Extra”

I have been an entrepreneur since I was 24 years old, and because of my experience in business, I truly believe that quote to be true. I also believe there is no better teacher than failure and experience.

That means that I do not believe you can be great at something unless you have failed numerous times at it and received tons of feedback that gives you an advantage over your competition who has not experienced failure.

This is why I believe most people strive to be good at things because being good simply pushes you close to the edge without any risk of falling off the cliff.

I believe if you want to be great in business you must fall off the cliff, in order to have the necessary experience to avoid those mistakes in the future or assist others in preventing the same mistakes.

This is what makes successful entrepreneurs valuable.  There experience is what you should envy, not their money!

So the question you may be asking is… How do you become great?

It really starts with an attitude to do things that are not easy because you know the experience of your journey will make you great.

For example, as an entrepreneur I see new business opportunities almost everyday. I often see people saying, FREE opportunity to make money or easy way to make $3000 per month. When I see this, I automatically can tell the person who is making that offer has a poor mindset and will have a very difficult time becoming great.Continue reading

Success Tips To Starting An Online Business From Scratch In 2014. Use These 3 Success Tips To Help You Get Faster Results In Your Online Business!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”Success Tips To Starting An Online Business From Scratch In 2014.   Use These 3 Success Tips To Help You Get Faster Results In Your Online Business!”

Having an online business is not easy.

One of my good friends Ray Higdon once said that a lot of entrepreneurs run to the internet out of weakness. It’s as if they are fearful of actually connecting with people on a one on one basis.Continue reading

Are Targeted Internet Leads Important To Your Home Business? Learn To Generate Targeted Internet Leads Everyday And Your Business Will Grow!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”Are Targeted Internet Leads Important To Your Home Business? Learn To Generate Targeted Internet Leads Everyday And Your Business Will Grow!”

The more you learn about using the internet the more important lead generation is to your business. But there is one thing your should know when it comes to lead generation.

All leads are not created equal.

If you want to build a powerful home business whether you are focused on generating leads online or offline, you must learn how to generate targeted internet leads if you want to make consistent sales and profit.Continue reading

Understanding The Value Of Value Will Make You Rich? What You Learn Is Worth More To The People Who Don’t Know It Than It Is To You!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”Understanding The Value Of Value Will Make You Rich? What You Learn Is Worth More To The People Who Don’t Know It Than It Is To You!”

If you have a home business, are involved in network marketing or whether you run and operate a direct sales company.

Chances are you have seen or bought and info product that was created to help you with your business.

What usually happens when a person starts learning something new is a process of understanding what is being taught and they begin to try to figure out how they can use what they learned to get results.Continue reading

Are Your Limiting Beliefs The Reason Your Home Business Is Failing? Change Your Limiting Beliefs And Watch Your Home Business Grow!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Are Your Limiting Beliefs The Reason You Are Broke? Change You Limiting Beliefs And Watch Your Home Business Grow!”

When I first got into the home business industry I read the book the secret. In that book says if you think about something and focus on it hard enough it will magically happen.

I do not agree with that book at all, but I understand the premise behind what the book is trying to say.

You absolutely need focus if you are going to build your home business but the first thing you have to do is become aware of your limiting beliefs.Continue reading