3 Tips To Starting A Home Business! What I Would Do If I Had To Start All Over Again To Grow My Home Business

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “3 Tips To Starting A Home Business! What I Would Do If I Had To Start All Over Again To Grow My Home Business.”

I’ve heard people say, starting a home business is not easy, if it were easy everyone would be successful at it. I actually believe there is some truth to that statement.  While most people say that about being an entrepreneur, I always say working a 9 to 5 is easy, that’s why everyone does it!

That mental shift always sparks conversation!Continue reading

Are Millionaires Risk Takers? Do You Need To Take More Risks To Become A Millionaire!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Are Millionaires Risk Takers? Do You Need To Take More Risks To Become A Millionaire!”

If you call people who fail a lot risk takers then millionaires are definitely risk takers. If you talk to any person who has acquired wealth they will tell you that they have failed a lot more than they have success. The experience of failure is what strengthens them in their moments of success.

This allows them to have more information to share and the ability to tell people what not to do.Continue reading

3 Facebook PPC Secrets You Should Know To Get 4 Times More Leads! It’s What You Don’t Know That Crushes Your Business!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “3 Facebook PPC Secrets You Should Know To Get 4 Times More Leads! It’s What You Don’t Know That Crushes Your Business!”

Over the last few years, I have used Facebook to grow my business and have received amazing results! The results have been so great that I decided to create a new Facebook ppc course 100% dedicated to teaching you how to leverage Facebook’s advertising platform.

In this post I will reveal to you what I have learned, why Facebook is a platform that you should use and several strategies that I have learned that even the top GURU’s miss when leveraging paid marketing methods on Facebook that you should know.

I am in the process of releasing FB PPC X which is a product dedicated to teaching you how to leverage Facebook PPC advertising.Continue reading

5 Reasons a Fan Page Is Better For Business Than Using A Personal Page on Facebook! Start Growing Your Fan Base Before It’s To Late!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”5 Reasons a Fan Page Is Better For Business Than Using A Personal Page on Facebook!  Start Growing Your Fan Base Before It’s To Late!”

With so many people stuck in there business and struggling to find quality leads, most online marketers have turned to Facebook as there go to lead generation method for their business.

The question that I get from people and that I see all the time is what should I use “My Fanpage or My Personal Page”?

The answer to this question is simple, if you have a business hands down you should use a Fanpage.  If you know what you are doing on your fangpage, the benefits far out way the things you can do on your personal page.

With that being said it is very easy to see why people don’t feel comfortable using a fanpage.

  1. You have to start from scratch and get fans
  2. It’s another technical thing you have to do
  3. You have to learn how to us it

The most frustrating thing that I notice that people have with fanpages is when they get fans and do a post not as many people see it at first like your personal page.

It’s important to remember that you have been using your personal page since you started using facebook and your fanpage will be new.   So you have to condition your audience to view your fanpage just like you did your personal page.

With that being said below are 5 reasons fanpages are better than personal pages on facebook!

1. Unlimited Fans “Or Friend Count”

You can only have 5000 personal friends and if you are serious about growing your business you will have a lot more than 5000 customers.  When you use a fanpage you can not only connect with that fan but you instantly gain access to all of their friends as well.

2.  Search Engine Results

You can use your fanpage almost like a blog as your post get ranked in the search engines!  You want you content to continue to work for you for life and when you post of your personal page the life cycle of that post is very short.  But when you post on your fanpage it can work for you forever.

3. Facebook Tabs That Link To Your Website

If you drive traffic to your personal page and you continue to post status updates with a link it will eventually move down your newsfeed and be out of site out of mind to your customers.  With facebook tabs you can link to other websites, captures pages and more right on the top of your Facebook page.  This way links to your websites and capture pages always stay visible to your fans.

4. Facebook Insights Or Analytics

If you are an online marketer and you don’t know your numbers you are really missing out on taking advantage of trends.  Although you may get interaction on your personal page there is no way of know what is actually viewing your page.  You can’t track views, demographics, see when people are viewing your content, see when your customers are online and more.  When you learn how to use data it is a huge advantage over your competition.

5. Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising, is much more affordable, and very targeted when using your fanpage to advertise on Facebook. Advertising to a Fan Page is more effective than sending traffic to an outside landing page because Facebook wants to keep the traffic within their network. You can promote your Fan Page through ads, but not your personal page. When you post content on your fanpage and then you promote it, you get cheep clicks and a lot more people viewing your content!

These are just a few reasons a fanpage is better for your business than your personal page.  My advice is to start off using your fanpage as a place to store your content, your videos, blog post etc.  If you are consistent you will have tons of fans in no time!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

Will Improving Your Personal Value Level Boost Your Income? See Why Getting Better Everyday Gives You An Advantage Over The Competition!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Will Improving Your Personal Value Level Boost Your Income? See Why Getting Better Everyday Gives You An Advantage Over The Competition!”

When I got started online one of the 1st things I learned from my mentor was the fact that I had to improve my personal value level if I wanted to get results in my business.

At first I had NO idea what improving my personal value level even meant!Continue reading

What Is Internet Traffic Live? Finally And Event 100% Focused On User Generated Traffic And Leads.

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “What Is Internet Traffic Live? Finally And Event 100% Focused On User Generated Traffic And Leads.”

If you are in the home business industry and you are looking for quality leads for your home business, Internet Traffic Live is the event for you.

This event is 100% focused on teaching you how to generate high quality traffic that will convert into a much more powerful lead.

As a marketer the thing that people need the most is leads. One of the things that people struggle with when trying to build their business is facing rejection by friends and family members.Continue reading

What’s Inside Of FB PPC X For MITS Members? Will This Product Change The Game For MITS Members Looking To Get Targeted Leads?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “What’s Inside Of FB PPC X For MITS Members? Will This Product Change The Game For MITS Members Looking To Get Targeted Leads?”

If you are looking to learn how to get targeted leads for your business there is no better place to be than My Internet Traffic System.

My Internet Traffic System also known as MITS is a company 100% focused on teaching you how to generate targeted leads for your business leveraging paid marketing methods.Continue reading

Can Online Marketing Be Merged With Network Marketing? Why Some Network Marketers Fail Trying To Merge The Two.

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”If you are in the Network Marketing industry there is a 9 out of 10 chance you will become exposed to some form of online marketing.”

There is NO secret that online marketing is an amazing opportunity for Network Marketers but the truth is, it is not always easy for Network Marketers to use internet marketing to grow their Network Marketing business.

From my own experience, when a new network marketer learns how to use the internet they forget about the reason they started learning Network Marketing in the 1st place.Continue reading