2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “3 Tips To Using The Internet To Grow Your Network Marketing Home Business! Home Business Reps Should Use These Methods Or Risk Failure!”
If you are in the Network Marketing industry you may have heard people talking about joining the NFL. Unfortunately they are not talking about running a football or making a tackle. They are talking about all of the people who run out of friends and family to talk to when they start their Network Marketing business!
So most people end up turning to the Internet in order to learn how to generate more leads for their business! The problem is, learning how to use the Internet is not as easy as a lot of GURU’s tell you when you get started!
Especially if you are turning to the internet to grow your Network Marketing business!
That is why I’m going to share with you exactly how you can use the internet to specifically grow your Network Marketing business!
Follow these 3 points and you will be on your way to becoming a top producer in your company!
1. Join a marketing system that teaches you how to generate leads for your business. This will expose you to new and exciting marketing methods to help you grow your business. I suggest My Internet Traffic System because it keeps things simple, allows you to focus on just traffic and has helped thousands of people grow their Network Marketing company!
2. Write down all of the keywords that you believe people would be searching before they join a Network Marketing company. The 1st thing I would do is start with the name of the company you are in or thinking of joining. Most people research the company they are in before they even think about joining it. That is why it is important for you to create content around that keyword and position your business in front of that traffic.
3. Create a system of duplication that people on your team can easily follow! The best way to do this is to create videos that everyone on your team could use that is generic but focuses on 4 major points. Video 1 would explain who you are and what you are about to explain in video 2. Video 2 would explain your business opportunity and what you are going to cover in video 3. Video 3 would break down how you earn in your opportunity and what you will cover in video 4. Video 4 should cover all of the bonuses they get when they get started with you and instruct them on how they can get started or contact you!
If you do these 4 videos and create them in a way where your entire team can them for themselves your business will explode!
The key to everything is to keep learning and growing yourself so you have more value to offer your team! This will help you attract more people to you which will help your business go viral. Follow these steps and you will never lose your friends or family and always have people to bring into your Network Marketing business!
If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE