3 Tips To Using The Internet To Grow Your Network Marketing Home Business! Home Business Reps Should Use These Methods Or Risk Failure!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “3 Tips To Using The Internet To Grow Your Network Marketing Home Business! Home Business Reps Should Use These Methods Or Risk Failure!”

If you are in the Network Marketing industry you may have heard people talking about joining the NFL. Unfortunately they are not talking about running a football or making a tackle. They are talking about all of the people who run out of friends and family to talk to when they start their Network Marketing business!

So most people end up turning to the Internet in order to learn how to generate more leads for their business! The problem is, learning how to use the Internet is not as easy as a lot of GURU’s tell you when you get started!

Especially if you are turning to the internet to grow your Network Marketing business!

That is why I’m going to share with you exactly how you can use the internet to specifically grow your Network Marketing business!

Follow these 3 points and you will be on your way to becoming a top producer in your company!

1. Join a marketing system that teaches you how to generate leads for your business. This will expose you to new and exciting marketing methods to help you grow your business. I suggest My Internet Traffic System because it keeps things simple, allows you to focus on just traffic and has helped thousands of people grow their Network Marketing company!

2. Write down all of the keywords that you believe people would be searching before they join a Network Marketing company. The 1st thing I would do is start with the name of the company you are in or thinking of joining. Most people research the company they are in before they even think about joining it. That is why it is important for you to create content around that keyword and position your business in front of that traffic.

3. Create a system of duplication that people on your team can easily follow! The best way to do this is to create videos that everyone on your team could use that is generic but focuses on 4 major points. Video 1 would explain who you are and what you are about to explain in video 2. Video 2 would explain your business opportunity and what you are going to cover in video 3. Video 3 would break down how you earn in your opportunity and what you will cover in video 4. Video 4 should cover all of the bonuses they get when they get started with you and instruct them on how they can get started or contact you!

If you do these 4 videos and create them in a way where your entire team can them for themselves your business will explode!

The key to everything is to keep learning and growing yourself so you have more value to offer your team! This will help you attract more people to you which will help your business go viral. Follow these steps and you will never lose your friends or family and always have people to bring into your Network Marketing business!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

Why Frustration And Overwhelm Is A Good Thing! Learn To Understand These Emotions And Make A Fortune!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Why Frustration And Overwhelm Is A Good Thing! Learn To Understand These Emotions And Make A Fortune!”

A few years ago someone told me that humans have thousands of emotions but only focus on a select few. People focus on being happy or being sad, feeling confident or feeling frustrated.

Obviously there are others that we may notice but when asked to name all of the other emotions most people can’t name or identify them because we don’t focus on them.

This happens because we are programmed to react and deal with the emotions that we think we experience the most.

In Tim Farris’s book the 4 hour work week he talks about learning how to become and expert in things very fast. The thing that he often talks about is how people love the do things that give them the least resistance! In fact most people are programmed to quit them moment they feel resistance because they feel that is the emotion that tells you that you are doing something wrong.

So what he says to do is to take time figuring out what those things are that create resistance and do them for 5 days and you can literally condition yourself to get rid of the negative emotions you equate to certain activities.

For example, I believe the feeling of being frustrated or being overwhelmed is a good thing. I have programmed myself to seek out things that create that because I know that is the moment that other people quit.  It’s simple if other people quit when doing something and I continue than I will succeed.

Then my goal changes to this, If I can find a solution that makes a person feel less resistance during that situation, it allows you to be a solutions creator, which is the best way to provide value to anyone!

So how do you change a negative reaction to a positive.

1. Identify what is causing you to feel a certain way: Is it fear, is the emotion real, are you just being lazy, do you simply need direction on what to do?

2. Create patterns that lead you to that emotion just so you can practice handling it: If you know you are afraid of failing placing ads or speaking to others, create situations where you have to do it more or better yet have someone else do it for you!  The outcome would most likely be the same!

3. Be willing to do the opposite of the norm: One of the reasons people feel certain ways when things happen is because other people react to certain emotions the same way. When you see other people doing something most people tend to follow.

If you follow everyone who is doing thing wrong you will get the same wrong results! So be willing to find different ways to do things that make everyone else a little nervous and focus on making that the thing that makes people nervous the norm!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

What’s The My Internet Traffic System Secret To It’s Members Success? Why Does MITS Give Home Business Professionals A Better Chance To Succeed?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “What’s The My Internet Traffic System Secret To It’s Members Success? Why Does MITS Give Home Business Professionals A Better Chance To Succeed?”

If you are in a home business opportunity whether it’s Network Marketing, Direct Sales or even if you create your own products you will need to learn how to generate traffic if you want to be successful.

The problem that most people have when they get started in a home business is they quickly realize that running business is not so easy. Not only do you need to invest in your business, but you have to gain more experience which can only happen over time!Continue reading

Why Having A Mentor Is The Key To Long Term Success! Learn 3 Tips To Finding A Great Mentor And The Secret To Becoming One!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Why Having A Mentor Is The Key To Long Term Success! Learn 3 Tips To Finding A Great Mentor And The Secret To Becoming One!”

The road to being a successful entrepreneur is never easy. But the road to success without a great mentor by your side is darn near impossible. You can’t teach experience and the truth is when you have a great mentor you have the ability to gain more working experience is much faster than trying to go after your goals alone.

So the question is, how do you find a good mentor and what can you do to become a great mentor yourself?Continue reading

Social Media Statistics You Should Know About To Grow Your Home Business! Start Using Social Media Or Risk Failure In Your Business!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”Social Media Statistics You Should Know About To Grow Your Home Business!  Start Using Social Media Or Risk Failure In Your Business!.”

We live in a world that is addicted to social media.  The old ways of marketing have changed and those who know how to merge traditional traffic methods with social media have a huge advantage over the competition.

For example if you create content and then share it daily on social media you will instantly position yourself to get more exposure and leads.

If you are not sure how powerful social media is check out the statistics of 4 major social media websites below.Continue reading

Failure Is Experience That Creates Wisdom And Wealth. Learn From Your Failures And Never Quit!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Failure Is Experience That Creates Wisdom And Wealth! Learn From Your Failures And Never Quit!”

As an entrepreneur I have failed way more than I have had success. Things that I thought would work never did, and things that I thought would fail often worked. But the one thing that I always tried to do was learn from my mistakes and remain positive.

The question that I always get is what is the difference between failing and quitting! When you quit something there is no coming back from that. Once you quit something before you finish you are always a quitter.

When you fail at something and you exhaust all of your resources trying to make it work and it fails you can learn from your mistakes make adjustment and then try again.

Most entrepreneurs have failed at prior businesses but they never quit, the picked themselves back up and started a new business and that usually ends up being a major success.

Almost everyone that I know in this the home business industry have tried several things and the ones that keep going and strive to get better everyday are usually the once that have the breakthroughs in their business.

That is why failure is experience that creates wisdom and wealth.

Over the years I have realized that the thing that attracts people to high profile entrepreneurs is that most people are drawn to their work ethic and drive. The fact that they didn’t quit when things got tough is what causes a new entrepreneur to look up to them want to pay them for coaching and training!

If you are struggling in your business, remember someone else is having success, which should tell you that you are simply 1 tweak away from success!

So below are a few tips to help you turn a struggling business into a positive business.

1. Step back and document your daily tasks. Ask yourself are you really doing things that generate revenue or focusing on things that don’t produce income for you company.

2. Find a proven mentor. If you want to be the best you must work with the best!

3. Mirror what successful people are doing. This tip speaks for itself.

4. Perfect what you do. Spend time perfecting the strategies that you learn so you can master them and teach them to others!

This is why you want to find a good mentor and make a decision that this industry is going to be your career and if that is the case… there is NO quitting in businesses

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

Want To Grow Your Network Marketing Business Using Internet Marketing? These 4 Tips Will Help Merge Internet Marketing With Your Network Marketing Business Faster!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Want To Grow Your Network Marketing Business Using Internet Marketing? These 4 Tips Will Help Merge Internet Marketing With Your Network Marketing Business Faster!”

Most Network Marketers turn to the Internet because they run out of their warm market. Their friends and family run the other way when they see you and the fear of rejection from your cold market makes you almost want to quit.

So when a person learns that they can use the Internet to build their network marketing business they begin to get excited and instantly start imagining themselves on stage with a big check at their company event.Continue reading

Learn 3 Tips To Increase Your Opt in Rates On Your Capture Pages? Not Knowing These Strategies Could Cost You Time, Money And Sales!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Learn 3 Tips To Increase Your Opt in Rates On Your Capture Pages? Not Knowing These Strategies Could Cost You Time Money And Sales!”

If you are an entrepreneur or home business professional you should know that the money and the power is in your list but the fortune is in the follow up!

Your ability to build your list of customers who are interested in your products and services will come down to your ability to get people who have a problem to opt into your pages because they know you have a solution for them.

You email list is where it starts but your customer list is where you can create a fortune! This is why it is important to find make sure you are not misleading your leads to opt-in to your page!

You want them to want the information on the other side because they believe in what it is that you have to offer!

Below I have listed 3 tips to help you boost your opt in rates so you can generate more leads and increase sales.

1. Capture What’s Going On Inside Of Your Prospects Mind:

This means when a customer see’s your ad that got them to your page, your capture page must have the same copy as the ad, your video must have the message and the content that follows after they are in. People often confuse there customers by having mixed messages that really hurt your chances of converting your leads into sales.

2. Over Deliver And Under Promise Before Your Customer Opts in:

This works best when you give away something for FREE or a low priced product that will enhance what it is that you promised to teach them before you started growing your business! You can deliver FREE boot camp training or a webinar that you did in the past to ad more value to your customer! If you condition your list to know that you have value to offer they will be more likely to engage in your products and services!

3. Make Your Customers Offers They Can’t Refuse:

This means study your customers and find out what they need the most to grow their business! Always be 100% focused on them and what they need the most! If you become the best at solving the problem of what your customers need the most you will create a niche that can be explosive to the overall growth of your business.

If you use these tips you will see your opt in rates increase, you will help more people and your business will grow!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE