2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “3 Step Plan To Building Any Network Marketing Business. Follow These Steps Daily And Consistently Grow Your Home Business.”
I believe the home business industry in particular network marketing is the best industry in the world. Over 55,000 people join a network marketing business a day according to MLMLegal and it gives the average person a chance to have financial freedom.
With that being said you often hear people say 97% to 98% of people will fail. This is often discouraging to most people who have dreams of actually growing their network marketing business. It’s important to know that 97% of most people will fail in any industry especially when 9 out of 10 of most reps will quit within 90 days anyways.
The point I’m making is those numbers are misleading. What most people should focus on is the fact that network marketing has produced thousands millionaires and has changed the lives of people all over the world!
So the question is how do you actually get results? What is a good strategy to help you actually grow your home business with the least amount of resistance.
Below I will walk you through a 3 step process that you can follow to help you grow your network marketing business, but 1st allow me to share with you a few rules to remember if you really want to have success.
Rule #1. Never Lead With Your Network Marketing Company.
At least not on the front end… don’t run around telling everyone you have a way for people to make money. People will feel pitched and even worse, you are viewed as a competitor.
Rule #2. Give people what they want the most… Leads and tools!
This will allow you to be a person that is providing people in your industry with something of value vs the person pitching the business!
Now to the 3 basic steps that you can use to dominate your network marketing company, I’ve listed them all below.
Step 1. Find a front end system that will allow you to get paid whether a person joins your business or not! I encourage you to use My Internet Traffic System. Why because I’m bias and it’s my system! In all honesty, I believe it is the best system out there and a great way for a new person to get started and an even better way for an experienced marketer to make 5 figures on top of whatever else they are making in their primary home business!
Step 2. Focus on providing value to people in network marketing by driving them into the system. You want to have a weekly call or webinar to the your list and to the people who joined your front end system showing them how you are using the system.
Step 3. Invite people who joined the system to webinar for your primary opportunity. So you would send an email and say…”I’m having a webinar to go over my primary opportunity… If you already have a business please disregard this email if not see you there!” It’s that simple! This would be how you can build you primary company and only talk to people who are actually interested in a network marketing company!
Network Marketing is a great business and can be a lot of fun when you use these steps, but more importantly it positions you to make money whether a person joins your business or not!
If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE