The Fastest Way To Get Targeted Visitors To My Website

The Fastest Way To Get Targeted Visitors To My Website

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What’s The Fastest Way To Get Targeted Visitors To My Website Summary:

You could have the best product in the world… you could have the best website in the world… but if no one knows your product or website exist, what do you really have?

Network Marketers, Direct Sale reps, and brick + mortar owners are constantly looking for new ways to get people to their website. More people to your website equals more eyeballs on your offers which can lead to more sales!

If you want more traffic you simply have to go to the traffic store and buy it.  My top 4 traffic stores that I like to buy my traffic from is social media websites like Facebook and Twitter.  I also buy traffic from search traffic websites like YouTube and Yahoo/Bing.  

With the power of Internet in today’s day and age, there are endless amounts of ways to get people to your website.  The key is to know what to do when you get visitors to your website.  If you are not giving your customers what it is that they want they will not buy from you.  If you are not providing value you will not get repeat business!  As long as you focus on getting targeted consistent traffic and you provide them with value you will get great results.


Get Targeted Leads With Twitter PPC

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Want to learn how the top network marketers in the world are building their business?

As a bonus be sure to listen to live interview of several 7 figure earners in the industry on Network Marketing Nation!

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4 Bad Habits Home Business Owners Must Avoid

4 Bad Habits Home Business Owners Must Avoid – Episode 282
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4 Bad Habits Home Business Owners Must Avoid

Home Business success comes in various shapes and sizes. It gives you the opportunity to control your own economy and truly become financially free. More times than not though, Home Business Owners adopt bad habits that prohibit them from the success they are working so hard for! Below are 4 bad habits Home Business Owners MUST avoid if they want to be top producers in Network Marketing, Direct Sales, or Brick + Mortar business.


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Below are 4 Bad Habits Home Business Owners Must Avoid:

1: Jumping Around

Whether you are in a direct sales company, a home business, or own a brick + mortar company, you must make the decision to plant your feet in the ground and say ‘this is what I’m going to build’.

A lot of people tend to jump from company to company thinking that it’s the company that will make them money… when in reality, it’s you! You are the one that’s going to make business decisions, grow the company, and be the CEO. You are the enterprise!

If it doesn’t work, it’s not the company, upline, or sponsor’s fault… it’s yours! You must commit from the beginning. Through this process you will see other opportunities that look like they could make you more money. You may come across people or things that look easy. The only way growing your Home Business will get easier is when you decide to focus on one company to build. Click HERE to check out my 7 Figure Home Business Roadmap to keep you focused!

2: Know It All

Home business owners tend to learn a few a things and become ‘know it alls’. They know how to do this… They know how to do that… but their bank account doesn’t reflect it.

Top earners are students first. They attend every event, buy all the products, and continue to be in student mode no matter how much success they have. Top earners understand they don’t know what they don’t know.

So when you start to learn strategies and grow your home business, avoid being a know it all and continue to educate yourself and the money will come!

3: Follow The Wrong People

Home business is a BUSINESS. Following someone who teaches bad habits can be detrimental to your home business and personal influence. It’s crucial to surround yourself with mentors, coaches, and teachers that are proven with proven results. Find people you can know, like and trust. Be willing to pay this person for their time and mirror what they teach you. Taking shortcuts will never put you in a position for financial freedom.

4: Chase The Money

When I say ‘chase the money’, I’m not referring to people that jump from company to company. I’m talking about people that join a Home Business and ask what’s the fastest/easiest way for me to make money now? In other words, chasing the money is not going to get you faster results. There is no shortcut.

For example, a person involved with Network Marketing spends most of their time focusing on the recruiting side of the business. This person has failed to realize that every company typically has products that people need to solve a problem. When you become a product of your product and people are researching the product your company offers, you should be in front of those individuals! If you want to learn more about product selling, click HERE.

So instead of chasing the money, solve problems. When someone searches for your company products, make sure your product is in front of them because they are already looking for it!

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If you’d like to receive these blog posts via email and gain access to my TL + VO = D$ Money Formula that’s responsible for over 4.2 million dollars in revenue, click HERE now.

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7 Entrepreneurial Books Every Home Business Owner Should Read

7 Entrepreneurial Books Every Home Business Owner Should Read – Episode 281
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7 Entrepreneurial Books Every Home Business Owner Should Read

TIME is either your best friend or worst enemy. For most Home Business Owners, time is constant struggle. It’s not easy to balance family, friends, work, and a home business – let alone think about spending time on self-education!

Below I provide a list of 7 books every Home Business Owner should read… so when it comes time to work on yourself or you need that extra kick of inspiration, I’ve got you covered!


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Below are 7 Entrepreneurial Books Every Home Business Owner Should Read:

1: The Richest Man Who Ever Lived – Steven K Scott

This is my #1 favorite book, so I had to list it first! Steven K Scott takes scripture from the bible and relates it to business. Steven shares multiple strategies and concepts that absolutely blew me away the first time. I took a lot from this book for my business, but also for personal development!

If you’re a Christian or religious in any way, I encourage you to read this book.

2: Influence – Robert B Cialdini

Robert B Cialdini focuses on the psychology of persuasion. If you’re looking to sell more products or learn about NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), this book is for you!

Robert B Cialdini has over 35 years of evidence-based research and dives deep into the theory of why people say “yes”… – and how to apply these same understandings for your own efforts.

3: DotComSecrets – Russell Brunson

This is my favorite Internet Marketing book! Russell is an established entrepreneur and dives deep into funnel creation. He teaches how to identify sales funnels that are already converting and mirror them so you can implement for your own business.

If you do any type of Internet Marketing, I highly recommend this book! If you want to dive deeper into Internet Marketing, click HERE for 2 Internet Marketing strategies you could implement today for your Home Business.

4: The 50th Law – Robert Greene – 50 Cent

The 50th Law, also known as the”Bible For Entrepreneurs” is a collaboration between Robert Greene and 50 Cent.  After reading this book you will FEAR NOTHING!

Fear is the #1 thing that holds people back from taking action and accomplishing goals. Dealing with fear is tough for Home Business professionals because hopes and dreams of complete financial freedom is not something people would consider normal. Staying fearful can lead to regret and missed opportunities.

If you find yourself fighting fear, this is the book for you!

5: Jab Jab Jab Right Hook – Gary Vaynerchuk

This is a great book especially if you are brand new to Home Business/Network Marketing.

Gary focuses on an issue that a lot of beginner marketers and those that fail don’t realize. We constantly try to sell, sell, sell products or as Gary puts it, “throw hooks”.

Instead, Gary teaches to throw jabs before you lead with a right hook. In other words, throwing jabs is providing value, value, and more value. Once enough jabs have been thrown, then throw the right hook and sell a product!

If you feel lost on who should see your content/value vs. products, click HERE for some tips.

6: Launch – Jeff Walker

Jeff Walker takes us first hand into the world of product launches and the launch process. He has been launching products since 1996! His unmatched experience and knowledge have lead to amazing success stories and helped many Home Business owners get their products up and running!

So if you have a product and want to make more sales, this book is for you! Launch will help you build a business fast and start to gain immediate traction.

7: The Go Giver – Bob Burg

Bob Burg shares a powerful story of a young, ambitious businessman and his journey to success. If you feel like you’re working harder and faster yet your goals seem to be moving further and further away, then this book is for you!

Bob covers the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success and how simply providing value can lead to all that you want in life. The Go Giver is a quick read, but an absolute must for all Home Business professionals.

If you got value from this post, feel free to share it on social media and with your team!

If you’d like to receive these blog posts via email and gain access to my TL + VO = D$ Money Formula that’s responsible for over 4.2 million dollars in revenue, click HERE now.

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5 Key Factors Self Made Millionaires Have In Common

5 Key Factors Self Made Millionaires Have In Common – Episode 280
Want To Make My Day? Rate & Review Episode 280 On iTunes – CLICK HERE

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5 Key Factors Self-Made Millionaires Have In Common

Everyone dreams of owning a business and making millions of dollars. The lifestyle change and financial freedom provided by being a millionaire is enough to make it attractive to any person.

The question is, how do you do it? Below I share with you 5 key factors self-made millionaires have in common… spoiler alert: anyone can do this.


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Below are 5 Key Factors Self-Made Millionaires Have In Common:

1: Find A Proven Mentor

Rule #1: Invest in yourself and find a proven mentor. More often than not, especially in the Home Business industry, people take the ‘One-Man Army’ approach and try to create success by themselves. This makes zero sense! Let me give you an example:

You want to learn how to play basketball. You’ve never played before but you really want to learn. You have 3 options – Learn from Michael Jordan, Learn from Kobe Bryant, or figure it out yourself. Clearly you would choose Jordan or Kobe.

Same for your Home Business! Find a mentor and you will dramatically increase your chance of success.

2: Failures Become Strengths

When someone successful is talking on stage at a company event, we automatically assume everything that individual has done works. In reality, it’s the exact opposite.

Successful people try more things than the average person so naturally they get more things to work. The more things they get to work, the more success you bring to your business. The things that fail, successful people end up learning their biggest lessons through those failures… So don’t be afraid to fail your way to success! If you want to learn other concepts home business owners overlook, click HERE now.

3: One Brick At A Time (Consistency)

Successful millionaires understand consistency and realize Rome wasn’t built in a day. In order to reach any goal, you have to start from somewhere. The brick-by-brick mentality is taking 3 steps forward instead of taking 1 step forward and 3 steps back.

As you consistently build your business one brick at a time, soon enough you will look back and see how each brick has laid the foundation for your Rome. If you want I’ll teach you an awesome strategy you can leverage and be consistent with, just click HERE 

4: Believe It Before They See It

Have you ever talked to someone about your Home Business and their response was “let me see if it works for and then let me know”. That mindset will not make you a millionaire.

You have to have belief and vision in what you’re doing before you actually see it work. We are so accustomed to instant gratification in today’s society that trusting a process and your own skills to reach a long-term goal is not easy. If Mark Zuckerberg needed to see Facebook’s success before he believed in it, one of two things would’ve happen – Facebook wouldn’t exist or another entrepreneur would have believed in the vision and created Facebook.

Once when you have the vision and combine it with these other factors, there is no stopping you!

5:  Start With Nothing

A lot of self-made millionaires come from humble beginnings. They started from scratch or were completely broke. Using myself as an example, I was in foreclosure, carless, and didn’t see a paycheck for years. So when you see people that are successful, understand that it wasn’t always that way. Typically they had tough times and made it work for themselves.

If you find a mentor, understand failures are your strengths, have a brick by brick mentality, if you believe it before you see it, and understand that people come from humble beginnings and still make it happen (eliminate all excuses), YOU can absolutely become a self-made Millionaire.

If you got value from this post, feel free to share it on social media and with your team!

If you’d like to receive these blog posts via email and gain access to my TL + VO = D$ Money Formula that’s responsible for over 4.2 million dollars in revenue, click HERE now.

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3 Tips To Building A Massive Team In Your Home Business

 3 Tips To Building A Massive Team In Your Home Business – Episode 279
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3 Tips For Building A Massive Team In Your Home Business

Building a massive Home Business team isn’t easy. It requires a lot of work and management. These 3 tips will guide you down a path of success and help build a massive team for your Home Business!


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Below are 3 Tips For Building A Massive Team In Your Home Business:

1: Be The Leader You Want To Follow

Home Business leaders and Top Earners are generally likeable people. They are influencers to their team and following – whether that’s by providing value, lessons through experience, teaching strategy, etc.

We as Home Business owners want the same! Look at yourself… Would you follow you? Would you be able to provide that added value to your team? If not, invest in yourself! Learn a new skill and be that leader that others would want to follow.

2: Create Team Rituals

Community is everything. When someone first joins your team, you want to make that individual feel like they are part of something. Creating team rituals can serve as an amazing leverage point for your Home Business.

For example, try setting up a team call every week. Make this call at the same time so your current and future team members can get used to it. Another strategy you can leverage is a weekly webinar or use Facebook and create a private group just for your team members and constantly communicate there! Using these strategies + consistency and communication will create a culture around the team you’re building.

Two more strategy you can leverage are weekly webinars or Facebook and create a private group just for your team members and constantly communicate there! If you already host webinars or home meetings or want to start, click HERE for a simple method to double your attendees.

New members that join your team are going to do what they see you doing. If new members see there is a strong foundation and community present, they will want to stay more connected and feel like they are part of a legitimate business.

3: Attend Events Together

In order to build a massive team, you must attend company events together! You should be calling every team member when a company event is coming up to make sure they have tickets and are attending. Once you’re at the actual event, lead your team! Be loud, keep your team engaged, and take photos. Click HERE if you want more information on the power of events and strategies I use to leverage them!

Doing this will show your team and future team members that you are dedicated, taking steps towards building a massive organization, and changing lives.

If you got value from this post, feel free to share it on social media and with your team!

If you’d like to receive these blog posts via email and gain access to my TL + VO = D$ Money Formula that’s responsible for over 4.2 million dollars in revenue, click HERE now!

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5 Things You Must Know To Be A Top Earner In The Home Business Industry

5 Things You Must Know To Be A Top Earner In The Home Business Industry – Episode 278
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5 Things You Must Know To Be A Top Earner In The Home Business Industry…

Success comes in all different shapes and sizes… but these 5 things are necessary if you want to become a Top Earner in the Home Business Industry.


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Below are 5 Things You Must Know To Be A Top Earner In The Home Business Industry…

1.  Promote Your Passion

When it comes to picking a product, service or company, there are so many options and compensation plans to choose from which can be overwhelming at times. Don’t choose something that will ‘make you the most money’. Instead, focus on what you are most passionate about.  This will help keep you motivated through the tough times all Home Business owners face when building towards their dreams.

2.  Leverage A System

Any successful business has a proven system in place. For example, if you went to McDonald’s in Los Angeles or in Hong Kong, the Big Mac is going to look and taste the same. All franchise owners of McDonald’s have to attend McDonald’s University to learn the system and create success. 

The same should be for your Home Business. Find a mentor with a system in place that has proven success, even if it’s above or below you! There is no need to ‘re-invent the wheel’.  If you want more information on how to make your opportunity and system work together for ultimate success, click HERE

3.  Hire Slow- Fire Fast

When you start to make money with your Home Business, the next step is to scale up and maximize your profits.  In order to do this, you will need to start engaging in revenue generating activities. This will result in more people to talk to and more people looking to connect with you, which means you may need to bring on more staff.

Learn to master outsourcing but don’t be so quick to bring on new employees.  This step should happen later in your career and give you the ability to focus on revenue generating activities instead of admin work (time is money).

4.  Seek Strategic Partnerships

Find people that have strength and skills that are different than your own and figure out a way to partner with them! For example- If you are an awesome blogger and create quality content, seeking out someone who is an expert at traffic would be a smart strategic partnership.

Make it a personal goal to connect with people that are better than you at something.  If you want to be wealthy, find people that are smarter than you and take notes.

5.  Plan For The Worst – Expect The Best

Business can change in the matter of seconds.  Companies go out of business all the time.  Make sure that you are setting yourself up for long-term success by earning residual income and doing what most people don’t do when they become successful – save your money! I know far too many people that make a lot of money but if you look at their bank account, they are still living paycheck to paycheck.  If you want more thoughts on money – how to get it and keep it, click HERE

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If you’d like to receive these blog posts via email and gain access to my TL + VO = D$ Money Formula that’s responsible for over 4.2 million dollars in revenue, click HERE 

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4 Habits Great Home Business Owners Possess – Episode 277

 Internet Traffic Jam – 4 Habits Home Business Owners Possess – Episode 277 

Want To Make My Day? Rate & Review Episode 277 On iTunes – CLICK HERE
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4 Habits Great Home Business Owners Possess

Whether you are brand new to the Home Business Industry or you have been around for quite some time, these are 4 habits you can begin to develop that will put you on the path to Home Business Success.


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Below are 4 Habits Great Home Business Owners Possess…

1. Early Risers
Great Home Business Owners, Top Earners, and Network Marketing Leaders tend to be early risers. They live by the ‘Get up before the sun comes up’ mentality. Being an early riser puts you in position to schedule your day and focus on building your business. Early risers are often less distracted because with less people around, more work is done. It takes commitment and discipline to sacrifice hours of the night for an early morning wake up call!

2. Preparation & Execution
Has someone ever told you or have you thought to yourself “Wow, that person is lucky to be in that situation”? Honestly, I don’t believe in luck. I think luck is when preparation meets opportunity. If you put yourself in more situations than other people, you naturally are going to have more luck! Here is an example I give to my students: “Even the person that won the lottery had to go out and buy the ticket”. Some people think that person is lucky… when in fact they were prepared! They went out, bought the lotto ticket and executed.

3. Focus & Determination
Great Home Business Owners possess a level of focus and determination that’s unmatched by most other people. If something goes wrong, they don’t get rattled or flustered. The best Home Business Owners continue to stay focused and execute the task at hand. Negative experiences or failures are looked at as positive learning experiences. Most people that fail end up looking for every reason to not make something work. Stay focused on the end goal and don’t forget why you started! If you feel like you have nothing to focus on, I recommend checking out 14 Traffic Strategies recommended by Top Earners 

4. Exercise & Nutrition
If you aren’t exercising, you won’t have the energy to sustain the amount of effort it will take to build a strong business. Studies have shown that most successful people are in good physical shape. A healthy body and mind results in more focused decision-making. I’m not saying you have to be a fitness model, but having a consistent health & exercise plan will improve your performance as a successful Home Business Owner.

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If you’d like to receive these blog posts via email and gain access to my TL + VO = D$ Money Formula that’s responsible for over 4.2 million dollars in revenue, click HERE now!

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Why Short Term Goals Are The Key To Your Long Term Success – Episode 276

Why Short Term Goals Are The Key To Your Long Term Success – Episode 276

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