2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Are The Best Internet Marketers The Best Students? When Should You Stop Buying Products And Learning From Leaders?”
I love when my mentors critique my business. Nothing is more exciting to me than when I feel I have everything 100% right and my mentor say nope… do it this way.
I have realized it is very difficult for most people to be criticized period, especially when it comes to their business. But I can assure you if you seek more criticism than you seek praise you will have more breakthroughs in your home business.
Let me give you an example, I remember when I created a professional sales video for a company I launched a few years ago. I thought it was the greatest thing ever and I spent thousands of dollars getting it made.
My mentor looked at it and said it was not good and it would not convert. He said the next time you do another video like this let me look at it first.
He went on to tell me about all the things I should have done. At first I was a little defensive and then the more I looked at it the more I realized he was right.
So when I created my newest company I have used several of his techniques and the conversions have been off the charts.
The best professionals are always the most coachable, that is why they are great. This is true in any profession, actors, athletes, business owners etc. You can usually tell when a person who has talent is not coachable because they are always the ones on the interviews saying if I had it all over again I would do this.
Never stop being a student because the minute you think you know everything is the minute you have already lost. Not being coachable is a sign of weakness not strength. Seeking greatness and being able to be critiqued is the ultimate sign of strength and maturity in you and your business.
So my advice is find leaders who tell you not what you want to hear but what makes you better. Invest in yourself daily by reading, buying information products or taking time to learn something new.
If you commit to getting better daily, there is nothing that will stop you!
If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE
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