Are Network Marketing Live Events Worth The Money? Will The Information Help Your Home Business Grow?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Are Network Marketing Live Events Worth The Money? Will The Information Help Your Home Business Grow?”


2013 is coming to an end and I can honestly say that I have gone to and spent more money on attending live events than any other year online.

I have been full time online since 2008 and usually go to at least 3 events per year.

But this year I looked at my calender and realized that I have attended more than I ever have in my online marketing career.

So I wanted to do some research to see if it really made a difference in my business.

Well in 2013 I made more money than I have ever made online so that was good. I met and worked with more leaders than I ever have in my career. All of the leaders that I worked with, I met at online network marketing and home business events. I also spoke at more events than I ever have in my online career.

So the obvious answer to the question, should you attend live events is YES.

But I wanted to go deeper than that on this post and explain to you what live events will actually do for you.

In a world where everyone is programmed to work a 9 to 5, growing a network marketing or home business can be very difficult.

When you are always forced to defend yourself and your business things can get very difficult.

But when you attend live events it validates what you are going through as a home business professional.

I never thought when I got started online that I would be a person speaking at live events. When I attend live events I’m focused on finding 1 golden nugget that I can take back with me to help my business grow. But like clockwork,  every time I go, I come back with several things that I instantly put into my business to help it grow.

But more importantly I come back with amazing friends and partners that I can work with.

So I encourage you to attend as many network marketing and home business live events and you can.

I know you will get value from attending them!
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