Have You Seen Videos Auto Play On Your Facebook Newsfeed? Does This Help Your Video Ads On FB Convert Or Will It Annoy FB Members?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Have You Seen Videos Auto Play On Your Facebook Newsfeed? Does This Help Your Video Ads On FB Convert Or Will It Annoy FB Members?”


One of the marketing methods that we teach is Facebook advertising.

I must admit Facebook has done a great job in figuring out ways to generate revenue with some of the most creative advertising methods on the internet today.

Facebook not only allows you to advertise on the right column of all your friends and their friends as well. Now you can do several different types of ads that show up directly in the news feed of the people that you are targeting.

The most creative thing that I have seen with Facebook is the fact that they now will charge you $1 just to send a message to certain members.

I thought this was very gutsy and brilliant at the same time.

Let’s face it, if you want to send a message to your long lost friend from grade school and Facebook charges you a dollar, chances are you are going to do it.

But the thing that surprised me and to be honest would  shock me if it sticks,  is the videos that auto play on your newsfeed.

The other day I was scrolling down my newsfeed and every video I passed seemed to automatically play. The 1st thing I said to myself was what just happened, this is really annoying because I thought it was a computer issue that I was having.

Then I realized that it was Facebook trying out this new feature that I quickly researched to see if I could leverage it to help all of my partners and students get better results!

When the video plays it does auto play without the sound and yes it does get the attention of the people being targeted.

But playing with the sound off could make the end user miss valuable information about whatever it is that you are talking about at that time and annoy the person you are targeting.

So far my results have been very similar to the results I was having before this new feature.  If you try this remember,  this is so new, the end result is still undetermined.

My advice is to try it out for yourself and when you come across this happening remember where you heard it 1st

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